There is something special about Suite D at Tabby’s Place.
Maybe it’s because I’ve been cleaning the suite’s solarium weekly for almost 2 years, but I don’t think so.

Maybe it’s because that is the room where a cat I rescued, Doby, recovered after being hit by a car. That’s still not it.
There’s just something special about this room.
Staff and volunteers alike have felt it and commented on it. It’s like the cats that enter are kindred spirits, some kind of special tribe.
Most of the cats in Suite D started their lives outside, facing numerous challenges while trying to survive. They had to find food and water, brave harsh weather, and protect themselves from threatening animals, scary people, and cars, just to name a few.
The Suite D cats also have another similarity: they are all infected with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV).

I’ve spent many hours with these cats. Time and time again, I observe a mysterious connection that happens between them, especially the boys. I first noticed it when Matteo befriended Doby. I would lay on the floor by Doby’s crate and watch Matteo look through the mesh siding for Doby. When he saw Matteo, Doby would leave the safety of his inside carrier and lay down close to his new friend, with just the mesh screening separating them. It was as if Matteo was telling Doby it was going to be OK, and he wasn’t alone.
During the summer and fall of 2022, a foursome of boys took over the solarium. The group was led by our beloved Crinkle Bob and included Humphrey, Doby, and Clarence. These guys just liked being outside together. It was heaven sitting with them in the solarium during the hot summer days after I cleaned it. I’d sit on the raised bed, with Crinkle Bob lying next to me and Doby and Humphrey at my feet on the cool concrete. We were five kindred spirits, hanging out together, enjoying the fresh air and birds.

It’s not always been easy between the cats, but somehow, they work through the differences and learn to accept each other.
Spaghetti preferred people over cats, but he was OK having them around if they gave him some space. Chicken Nugget and Cornbread were fearful and untouchable when they first arrived at Tabby’s Place. Today, Chicken Nugget likes to lay close when I visit and lets me pet him and brush him. Cornbread is slowly starting to trust us, knowing his buddy, Chicken Nugget, is there if he needs him.
For several cats, the stars aligned to bring kindred souls together. Doby and Humphrey became best friends, and Tanner and Sky both found the love of their life in sweet Audrey. We can’t forget about Mr. Mustache and Rawlings! They slept together, bathed each other, and became inseparable. We all delighted in their affection and laughed at Mr. Mustache’s silly behaviors (e.g., sleeping with his head on Rawlings like he was his pillow, or sticking his nose inside Rawlings’ ear).

Recently, Mr. Mustache (and all of us) had to say good-bye to Rawlings…because Rawlings was adopted! We celebrated with happy tears…and in just a couple of days, Mr. Mustache began working his magic on Chicken Nugget and Horace. Once again, kindred spirits connected through love and acceptance of one another.
Despite their rough journeys to Tabby’s Place, the cats of Suite D move from being in hopeless situations, to being hopeful, loved and accepted. I don’t know why, but I feel like the boys (and girls) of Suite D have allowed me into their tribe. I am grateful for every moment with them, and I love being connected with these incredible feline souls.

We are kindred spirits. We are family. My heart is filled with joy each time I walk into the room and say, “Woo Hoo! I’m here!” and see all of them pop up from their beds and come to greet me.
I guess our newest arrival, Poppa Lay, will be next to join the tribe. I look forward to being part of his journey too.