Y’all need to stop
OK, kittens. I’m afraid I have to be the heavy today. Brace yourselves; they don’t call me Angela The Enforcer for nothing.
OK, kittens. I’m afraid I have to be the heavy today. Brace yourselves; they don’t call me Angela The Enforcer for nothing.
We are two weeks away from The Day On Which It Is Permissible To Expect Affection. This is of no concern to The Species From Which We Can Learn Much.
This post has been weeks and prayers in the making. So let’s start here: it’s cause for celebration that you’re reading this at all. The mere existence of this post means that Jude is still very much alive.
We’re a long way from condiment season. But in a certain Community Room, it’s still high time for hot dogs and hamburgers.*
Some days this job brings us very close to something very sacred. Correction: that occurs every day. Some days we’re just temporarily unclouded enough to see it.
Every day is a party at Tabby’s Place. There are shenanigans. There is tomfoolery. There’s enough Party Mix to make a trail to Neptune and back. But one day still stands apart.
This post could have had several names. In living color. She’s a rainbow. But “banish winter” it shall be.