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The Centers for Disease Control says it is not necessary to get rid of your cat if you're expecting a baby. Despite this, we receive many inquiries from parents-to-be who feel[...]
If you're a first time cat owner, chances are you have a lot of questions about how to welcome your new feline friend into your home. And even if you've had many cats before, there's still a lot to learn about proper cat care, such as food, water, litterboxes, enrichmen[...]
What are community cats?
Community cats, also called feral or free-roaming cats, are owner-less, outdoor cats who are often not well socialized to people.
What can I do to help community cats in my neighborhood?
Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is widely accepted as the most effective a[...]
In fulfilling our mission as a sanctuary for cats from hopeless situations, we focus on accepting cats who[...]
We are often contacted by people who feel they must give up their cat due to the cat’s medical condition. The owners say they will not be able to afford treatment, or they can’t spend the required time, or that they can’t deal with the stress.
There is no doubt that dealing with an illness[...]
There are non-profit organizations that help with costs for some feline medical issues. The following is a list of some such organizations.[...]
Online Form - Zendesk Help Form - CURRENT[...]
Note that Tabby’s Place is not affiliated with any of these organizations. In addition, we do not know their intake policies and cannot comment on their desirability for ill cats. We provide this information as a courtesy, but please thoroughly research any organization before bringing your cat to[...]
The Tabby’s Place Guardian Angel Program offers you a means to ensure that your feline companions will be cared for at the time of your disability. Under this program, you can be assured that your cats will gain immediate acceptance to the facility, where they will receive love and attention, hi[...]
It can be very tempting to let your cat outside. The outdoors provides many great sources of enrichment for cats, boosts their mood, and allows them to fulfill their natural instincts, among other things. However, in most cases, the risks of letting your cat roam freely outdoors can deeply outweigh[...]
A Proper Introduction is Critical!
To successfully integrate your new cat in your home, nothing is more important than a proper introduction. A rushed or problematic introduction can lead to behavior issues for your pets and stress for you and your family. In the worst case, you[...]
One of the most common reasons people give for why they have to give up their cat is allergies.
See an Allergist
Whether the sufferer is a baby, child or adult, we suggest that you see an allergist to obtain a firm diagnosis. Allergy testing is a simple process and the results will let yo[...]
Another common reason people give for giving up a cat is that they are moving and “cannot take the cat.”[...]
Looking for help with a cat issue?
Please complete the form below, and a Pet Retention Counselor will contact you by email with advice and resources.
Our commuinication will be by email only.
We will provide you with advice for troubleshoo[...]
Even if you are desperate to find a new home for a cat, you need to screen potential adopters to be certain that you are not dooming the cat to a sad fate. Here are some useful tips:
Ask anyone interested in adopting your kitt[...]