The Centers for Disease Control says it is not necessary to get rid of your cat if you’re expecting a baby. Despite this, we receive many inquiries from parents-to-be who feel pressure to do just this caused by fear or misinformation. The health of a new baby is paramount. But, you can keep your baby safe and your family intact.
Another common concern for new parents is that their child will have or develop allergies. Contrary to popular opinion, exposure to cats at a young age can help a child develop resistance to allergens and asthma.
Far from being a health risk, your cat can have life-long benefits for your child. Pets can encourage learning, provide companionship, and reduce risk of minor illnesses.
And, one of the most effective ways for your child to learn the importance of gentleness and responsibility is by helping care for a pet. Researchers at Kansas State University and the Manhattan Dept. of Human Development and Family Studies found that youngsters who have a bond with a dog or cat show more maturity in their cognitive, moral and emotional development than children without a pet.
Full Width Header Photo by Catherine.