
Guest Post: Fridaze

You are on a journey through space and time. No, you aren’t in The Twilight Zone. You are somewhere far more interesting, vastly more magical, and eminently more real. You have entered Tabby’s Place: A Cat Sanctuary. You are here with me. It’s a Friday. Let’s go! We’ll start by swinging wide the big, blue […]

Guest post: Shattered peace

“Into each life a little rain must fall.” That, and other such dismissive platitudes, fail to comfort when the rain is a deluge accompanied by crashing thunder, tumultuous seas, fire, and brimstone. Okay, that last bit might be as much of an overstatement, and the adage is an understatement. But, there are times when our […]

Epilogues: February 2021

February was not fully perfect. Cases in point: Something has gone horribly wrong with all the butter in Canada. Elvira is no longer ours for the hugging. Daft Punk has broken up. Additional case in point, pointedly true every month: our collective sanity has broken up (HA HA HA I MADE A FUNNY! “COLLECTIVE SANITY” […]