Epilogues: February 2021

Epilogues: February 2021

February was not fully perfect. Cases in point: Something has gone horribly wrong with all the butter in Canada. Elvira is no longer ours for the hugging. Daft Punk has broken up.

Additional case in point, pointedly true every month: our collective sanity has broken up (HA HA HA I MADE A FUNNY! “COLLECTIVE SANITY” AS A THING THAT EVER EXISTED EVER!).

But the cats are getting the band back together. And all the daft children of Tabby’s Place are doing just fine.

Apropos of nothing except awesomeness, which is always apropos around here: the rare Great Horned Wonton in his natural habitat, as captured by Carolyn

We are agitating and vaccinating.

We are weeping and rejoicing.

We are waiting and we are grabbing available bulls by their tiny new-sprung horns.

We are lurching between the biggest snowstorms in years and the most exquisite sunshine that ever made you cry.

We are still here.

And our truth — or at least our community of cats and cat-besotted beings — is marching on. But first, February:

Arrived: Porcini, Shelley, Maitake, Prue, Betty, Hoagie, Panini, Porchetta, Chris, Boobalah, Roadie, Elliot, Grecca, Bellamy, Joshua, Valentino, Cammy, Consetta (pictured in top thumbnail), Bosco, Lizzy

Adopted: Idly, Jody, Blink, Prue, Aloo, Jack, Tula, Nick, Blizzard, Simon, Cremini, Chanterelle, Porcini, Elvira, Portobello, Sundae

Mozzarella: Exists
The human species: “Maybe reality is OK after all!”

Cleared from Quarantine: Shelley, Betty, Audrey, Dusty Rhodes, Crouton, Parker


Promoted to the Lobby: Edith

Promoted to the Office of His Eminence, Founder & Executive Director & All-Around Rad Guy Jonathan: Eugene, Mozzarella

Promoted to Heaven: Myrna, Chris, Roadie, Mr. Dracula, Stafford…good heavens, February was a bruising bandit. We’re counting on you to be kind, March.

Elliot: Exists
The human species: *is slain*

Newly sponsorable and quite cross that he has yet to cross the 5,000-sponsor mark (don’t let him down, dear readers): Hobo

Stuff we learned: We are not worthy of an Elliot. Grace saw fit to bestow her upon us. Ergo, we can count on that same grace to give us many good things we don’t deserve but dare to pray for anyway.

Let’s get praying, and working, and frolicking with furious joy, kittens.

1 thought on “Epilogues: February 2021

  1. Adorable Elliot! Great pictures with this update – that Mozzarella is so cute. And the picture of cat as bird of prey – Wonton you are too much.

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