Sometimes I forget that we see only a few chapters.
We love the Tabby’s Place cats completely. But it’s humbling — and liberating — to remember that we don’t exhaust their complete story of love.
Sabrina and sistafriend Kate
In all but a very few cases, that story begins pre-Tabby’s Place.
In the happy majority of cases, that story continues in an adoptive home.
And in all cases, they are loved before we meet them and long after they leave our sight. We find our place in a Great Story that’s big enough to hold us all, fears and failings and foibles and victories too.
We play a part. We pick up and pass batons. We cry and cheer and jump around in awkward elation like a bunch of backup Oompa Loompas.
After a couple of hard losses, it’s good to catch up on a few giddy chapters of the Great Story from our adopters.
Turn the page to this reverie from Sabrina‘s family:
“As we begin 2015, we have to reflect on how lucky we are to have adopted sweet Sabrina from Tabby’s Place. Since joining us in October, 2013, she has brought our family a bundle of love, cuddles and smiles. Famous at Tabby’s Place for her bear-hugs and kisses, we are delighted to report Sabrina has kept up her tradition in our home. Whenever Norma (Sabrina’s mom) gets close, she is subjected to a generous face-licking from Sabrina! Only those who have experienced it can appreciate!
Henry and Sabrina share their stories
“Despite her handicap, Sabrina has no problem negotiating the steps in our house, and she has the complete run of our home from the basement to the upstairs bedrooms. In fact, Sabrina often follows Norma wherever she goes. Sabrina has also become quite the little talker! Her purrs are often interrupted by a cute chorus of burbles, chirps and little grunts. Whenever Sabrina sees a bird or squirrel in our yard, she begins to chatter and shake with enthusiasm. She enjoys our neighborhood wildlife.
“Although their interactions were chilly and cautious at first, Sabrina’s relationships with her little sisfur Kate and big brofur Henry have warmed considerably. Lately, Sabrina will tolerate a brief grooming (i.e. head-licking) from Kate, although a little hiss and a few punches still get exchanged on occasion, especially during the excitement at breakfast and dinner time. Amazingly, our little tripod can box pretty well when challenged. Henry, always the gentleman, is careful to keep his distance when the two ladies start to have a friendly spat – no sense getting caught in the middle of that!
“Wait ’til you read my next chapter…”
“Speaking of breakfast, every morning (7 days a week) at 5:00 AM, Sabrina fires up her purr machine and sits on Norma’s pillow, licking her face until the much-desired breakfast is forthcoming. Of course, Henry and Kate have no objections to Sabrina’s early morning behavior. No need for an alarm clock in our family.
“We hope sweet Sabrina will continue to thrive in our little family. We feel very lucky to have her with us, and we are very grateful to Tabby’s Place for the wonderful work they do.”
We’re grateful the story snuggles on.
And since stories don’t always need words, feast your eyes on these tales of love from other recent adoptees:
Cali and Maizy, nee Nook and Kindle, continue their sisterhood storyHodor, nee TeePee, in da (forever) houseTenzing’s story breaks all the legal limits of magnificence, cuteness et alShadow and Max, nee Lenny and Squiggy, ditch schlemiel, schlemazel for a sleepy sweet forever home story…but they’ll never, ever ditch each other.Todd’s tale is always on his dad’s mindPaulette and Barley wish a snuggly story for all
May we love with story-sized might, and rest in the arms of the endless Story that holds us all.
Wonderful wonderful good news about Sabrina and Paulette and Barley, and all these wonderful kitties. Thank you. Not only do awesome adopters provide forever homes, but they provide wonderful updates to let us know the kitties are happy!
I love to see stories of how the kittens and cats I once snuggled with at Tabby’s Place are doing.
Thank you Angela, may the warmth and love continue to be a never ending story.
Wonderful wonderful good news about Sabrina and Paulette and Barley, and all these wonderful kitties. Thank you. Not only do awesome adopters provide forever homes, but they provide wonderful updates to let us know the kitties are happy!