It doesn’t end here
Sometimes I forget that we see only a few chapters. We love the Tabby’s Place cats completely. But it’s humbling — and liberating — to remember that we don’t exhaust their complete story of love.
Sometimes I forget that we see only a few chapters. We love the Tabby’s Place cats completely. But it’s humbling — and liberating — to remember that we don’t exhaust their complete story of love.
Any number of things may be causing you to burn awake under the moon this fall: Iraq. Ukraine. Kanye West. The thousand tiny terrors that puncture your peace. These just might be the times that try cats’ souls. You just might need the reminder that joy wins.
If you’re T.S. Eliot, the naming of cats is a difficult matter. If you’re the Tabby’s Place staff, the naming of cats is an occasion for absurdity and awesomeness.
We tell a lot of stories on Felis Catus, but we can’t often tell the whole story. In the epic novel of a cat’s life, I can give you just a page here, an illustration there. Such is the nature of such a blog. At times this may make you feel like you’re watching a […]
When words are few and hearts raw, God provides. This week, provision came in the form of letters from little people.
Scientists talk about the Law of Conservation of Matter. Scientists talk about protoplasm. And scientists talk about other scientists (you know they do). But nothing that scientists talk about is as interesting as Betsy. That’s why we’re going to talk about the Law of Conservation of Cats who are Unable to Keep their Tongues in […]
It’s a cryin shame. Tabby’s Place has never had cats with any of the following names: The Colonel, The Captain, The Commissioner or The Admiral. But there’s hope. The sanctuary’s classiness quotient spiked 7,000% with the arrival of Barley.