When you are a Tabby’s Place cat, you infuse every square inch of time with importance.
There are no mundane months around here.
Yet even our gourds and ladies know: there is something about October.

Only in October do we dress cats as butterflies.
Only in October do we dress our wounds after dressing uncooperative cats as ladybugs.
Only in October do we remember the October that opened the door.
Twenty-one Septembers ago, “Hopeless” was smug and snarling. “Desperate” believed it had a foolproof security system. “Unlovable” polished the deadbolt on its horrible, haunted house.
But twenty-one Octobers ago, there was a raid.
In a town without a supermarket, on a day without a parade, the gates flew open.
Scoffers guffawed. Cynics snorted. Love just said, “come and see.”

Tabby’s Place: a Cat Sanctuary officially began.
“Hopeless” was put on notice: we are taking your cats. They were never yours to begin with.
“Desperate” turned pale. Love ransacked its rafters.
“Unlovable” simply vanished. It was only ever an illusion.

Over four thousand rescued cats later, love has only just begun.
We would have done it all for a single cat. In a way, we do. Each one is as precious as the first, last, and best-loved cat who ever lived.
And so it is only fitting that, each month, October or otherwise, we celebrate every coming and going, with every fiber of our being:
Arrived: Finale, Encore, Bambi, Kai, Kenzo, Marco, Hiccup, Astrid, Delphine, Fable, Linus, Freddy, Chuchou, Cavatappi, Breadsticks, Smudge, Adira, Amber, Murdock, Persimmon, Mugsy
Adopted: Camilla & Aerosmith (together); Tissue; Calzone; Tom, SpongeBob, & Squidward (together); Monet; Weston; Penuche; Phish; Hummus; Joplin & Zeppelin (together); Boron; Cindy; Chiclet; Napkin; Buffy; Proton & Neutron (together)

Promoted to the Community Room: Evelyn, Salami, Nirvana
Promoted to the Lobby: MooMoo
Promoted to the Offices of Jonathan, Marcia, and Baby Yoda: Triscuit
Promoted to Heaven: Chive, Adira, Persimmon
Strong Against All Odds: Every kitten pictured here, love’s luminaries leading us into autumn and beyond. (Rest assured 100% of the “V6” are thriving, as is boisterous baby Bok Choy, pictured in top thumbnail.)

In the beloved Anne of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery wrote, “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” Little did she know they are so abundant. In a real way, it is always October at Tabby’s Place. Love starts again each morning. We are in the business of Grand Openings.
Let us begin.
PS: If you’re here to sponsor MooMoo, you’re in the right place. Our newest Lobby resident is also our newest sponsorable cat. Will you be her first hero?