Elected for life
The United States is approaching a Presidential election. We are, and are not, going to talk about that on this blog.
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The United States is approaching a Presidential election. We are, and are not, going to talk about that on this blog.
When you are a Tabby’s Place cat, you infuse every square inch of time with importance. There are no mundane months around here. Yet even our gourds and ladies know: there is something about October.
It has come. October. But before we can properly begin the month of Tabby’s Place’s 10th anniversary and our 1st Halloween in three years without a major natural disaster, we’ve got some ‘splaining to do about September.
We tell a lot of stories on Felis Catus, but we can’t often tell the whole story. In the epic novel of a cat’s life, I can give you just a page here, an illustration there. Such is the nature of such a blog. At times this may make you feel like you’re watching a […]