
Cheesequakes, part I

I think cats must pity us for focusing on all the wrong things. For instance: we lament, in shame-soaked tones, that cheesecake is “bad,” and we, its eaters, are bad by association every time we succumb. Instead, we could be marveling at the fact that cheesecake exists at all, and, as a bonus, is high […]

Guest post: A lot

Size doesn’t matter. Yet, even aside from Sumo wrestlers, basketball players, and American football linebackers, some people just take up more space than others. These are the people who can’t be ignored and who, generally, won’t “just go away,” either. They might be big or small, but they’re all larger than life.


If I were to hold public office, my first act would be to end war and redirect every battle-dollar to feeding everyone of every species, preferably at the same table, whilst we all sing ballads and talk tenderly about our edifying differences. My second act would be to mandate that we all use the word […]

Epilogues: January 2022

January hath given, and January hath taken away. January hath given us Zebra Cake ice cream, and January hath taken away all remaining laughable attempts by our species to appear dignified. January hath taken away our queen Betty White (and our gentle jester Louie Anderson, and our soaring bard Meat Loaf), and January hath given […]

Verde and the hurdy gurdy

I am aware of at least four definitions of “hurdy gurdy.” (Perhaps you are aware of more. Let’s talk.) A hand-cranked medieval string instrument Madness, chaos, and/or generalized cattywampus, topsy-turvy, hurly-burly bedlam Tabby’s Place (see #2) Life as a mortal being Obviously, all four of these meanings pertain to one Verde Rosenberg.*

Guest post: Sunshine

When streams of light reach through clouds in just the right way, it’s like some glorious hand is reaching down from heaven to touch us. It is so beautiful, so ethereal some call it “the fingers of god.” I’ve also learned others call it “Jacob’s Ladder” (which I always thought was a children’s game played […]