Epilogues: January 2020
Whereas: January has ended. Whereas: February is a mini-month, even when it leaps. Resolved: Winter is on the run.
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Whereas: January has ended. Whereas: February is a mini-month, even when it leaps. Resolved: Winter is on the run.
Ever wonder why such a high percentage of Christmas cards show just the wise men? No Nativity; no angels; just three dudes in the desert. Not to knock those madcap magi, but wouldn’t you love a card depicting the sky filled end-to-end with angels? C’mon. ANGELS. AN ENTIRE SKY FILLED WITH ANGELS.
As summer draws to a close and wisps of autumn fill the air, the Community Room kitties settle into their daily routines, both old and new. Every room and suite at Tabby’s Place has its own unique vibe or rhythm. The Community Room has always been a place of solace for older cats, special needs […]
All together now: auhhhhhhhtummmmm. It’s deeper than “ah.” It’s better than “om.” And we can see it shining in the not-too-distant distance. If ever we needed the sepia-toned glow of fall, it’s now.
Let it never be said that May is monotone. Stuff went down this past month, kittens. Billy Ray Cyrus returned to the radio, achy-breaking all of our ears if not our spirits. The President of the United States of America presented a very large trophy to a very large man at the Grand Sumo tournament. […]
We came. We marched fourth. We marched thirty-first, even. And now, we shall April.
November arrives full of “alls.” Yesterday was All Saints Day. (The cats celebrated themselves appropriately.) Today is All Souls Day. (The cats snickered “bless your soul” at us inappropriately.) And tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, we’re lavished with the luscious “alls” of 125 Tabby’s Place residents in all their muchness.
When words are few and hearts raw, God provides. This week, provision came in the form of letters from little people.
Whoever they are and whatever they’ve been through, cats don’t do “pretentious.” Felines simply don’t find it worth their time to say “the ramifications and consequences may be salutary” when they could say “it’ll be fine.” They have no need or desire to impress you with their erudition learnin’. They are what they are: take […]