
Guest post: DO-OVER!

If any year ever needed a reboot, it’s this one. You all know the litany of improbables and predictables that have descended upon us with a vengeance. It would be great if 2020 were like a game of kickball. If enough of the players yell, “DO-OVER!”, then there’s a do-over. Whatever happened is voided, nullified, […]

Guest post: True love

Love comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, vectors, and ways. Love can grow slowly, strengthening with time and togetherness. Love can creep up on us like a cat on the prowl, knocking us off our feet, taking our breath away, and leaving us wondering what hit us after it escapes out grasp.

Forever Loved: Jonathan

Let me start by “ripping off the bandage:” we lost dear Jonathan last week. His kidney values had taken a severe turn for the worse.  We started aggressive fluid therapy, which can reverse rapidly failing renal function.  It can work wonders.  But, there is no way to know how effective it will be without trying. […]

Breaking news

I don’t know about you, kittens, but I’m at the breaking point. Breaking news. Shattering stories. From every screen, every speaker, it just…keeps…shouting. Some of it is news. Some of it is smoke. All of it is exhausting. It’s time we said “ENOUGH YET ALREADY!” and broke some news of our own.

Epilogues: July 2018

Be it known: beautiful things get missed much too often. Case in point: Saturn just came really close to the moon. If we were looking, we could have seen four planets at once. Four. (Five, if you looked down at the one you were standing on.) Case in second point: Minneapolis could have shut down […]