This is a stressful time of year for All The People, including you.
You just might need a little extra fluff and stuff to cuddle you through it.
Fear not, ye merry gentlepersons. The cats are here with their UFOs (unidentified fluffy objects). Consider this your hot mug of cocoa, with extra fluffy marshmallows.
Everygirl appreciates a good boa, but Sophia also provides her own fluff in fabulous abundance. And would also appreciate a jar of mayonnaise this Christmas.Vito is a fluff fanatic. He recommends stilling your stress by singing “Still, Still, Still” and bringing him cheese-filled latkes.Fluff makes Cheddar feel like everything is going to be OK. Which it is, as long as someone finally brings him his namesake fromage.Tagalog was adopted, then returned. But that’s OK, ’cause she has fluff, and dreams of Gouda-roofed gingerbread houses.And then there’s Pixie, living proof that, when fluff is not forthcoming, you can be your own fluff. Cuddle up cozy, kittens. Stress ends; love lasts.
1 thought on “Gratuitous cat photos: Are you fluff enough?”
Sophia definitely has that cover girl look! She could be on the cover of “GlamourCat” magazine! All of these gratuitous cat photos are wonderful – and, like you say, and then theres Pixie. You can never have too much fluff. No cat’s booty ever looked cuter!
Sophia definitely has that cover girl look! She could be on the cover of “GlamourCat” magazine! All of these gratuitous cat photos are wonderful – and, like you say, and then theres Pixie. You can never have too much fluff. No cat’s booty ever looked cuter!