It’s on!
The Linda Fund, that is. I rarely ask for donations in this space, but you bet your bouncy-house I’m gonna do so today. And I have help.
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The Linda Fund, that is. I rarely ask for donations in this space, but you bet your bouncy-house I’m gonna do so today. And I have help.
Good things happen in June. Good things also happen in eleven other months, but there’s something about June that just makes you want to…sing-a. Especially when it starts on a Friday, and you’re alive, and you live in a world in which cats exist.
There are things you don’t believe until you do. And once you do, my sweet stars, do you ever believe.
It’s been a memorable year for a certain orange tabby and his compassionate press agent. Today, Simba and Tara ring out 2017 with high hopes…and, in Simba’s case, some unfortunate fingernail fashion.
I don’t know where this New Year’s Eve Eve Eve Eve finds you. Maybe 2017 was Your Year. Maybe 2017 was Definitely Not. But approximately 120 cats and I know this much: 2018 welcomes you with warm, open arms.
Don’t be hard on yourself about it. This is a stressful time of year for All The People, including you. You just might need a little extra fluff and stuff to cuddle you through it.
We are In It. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year(TM). The Holiday Season. The ThankChanChriKwaNewYear pentathlon of extravagance and emotion and love and angst. The cats have not noticed.
Quite a lot happened this week in history. The Feast Day of St. Francis. The Battle of Largs. The births of Gandhi and Vaclav Havel and Sting. The 14th anniversary of Tabby’s Place.