It is not yet Christmas.
We know this deeply.
The older I get, the more I appreciate the in-between season that is Advent. Much more than an excuse for paper calendars dispensing daily chocolate (which are, however, awesome and not to be underestimated), Advent is the honest acknowledgment that we are waiting.
Our deepest yearning is not yet fulfilled, not fully.
Our heart-cries aren’t perfectly answered, not yet.
Our little and large symphonies haven’t all resolved into one glorious chord, not today.
And so, together, the whole creation waits.
But if Advent means waiting, it also promises an end to this holding period. The answer will come. The joy will prevail. Hope, peace, joy and love will be more than promises and platitudes.
Until then, we wait, with trust and tears depending on the day.
Hold on with us, kittens. Christmas is coming, and that’s a very good thing.
Beautiful. Poetry. A feeling of wonder and awe and sparkling kitty eyes, filled with fearless love. Angela and Tabby’s Place – thank you.