Sometimes even I know better than to ornament something with too-many words.
On this Mardi Gras, the emphasis at Tabby’s Place is on the Gras. That said, I’ll let my words be few: laissez les bons temps rouler.
Le Sluggo est grande.Er...make that plus, plus, plus grande.Le monde is not enough for grande Bialy.Jonathan's new office mate Cookie, living gras.Trey: no neck, no scruff, no problem....nooooo problem at all.The shelter from which we rescued Jambalaya named him "Jumbo." We thought that was a little rude. Not, however, inaccurate.How did Ike get so gras, anyway? Do you have any idea? Can somebody help us out here?
Le grande, post-prandial Ike.
Raja was so emaciated in her early Tabby's Place days, we nearly had to place a feeding tube. This is no longer a concern.Sure, go ahead and call Jackie "fat"......just be prepared that this wild woman will take the mardi out of your gras for a long time to come.Maggie basks in her glorious grasness after polishing off a steer. Er, bowl of cat food.
So happy Mardi Gras, Felis Catus folk. That’s not to be confused, of course, with Morbidly Obese Monday or Wide Load Wednesday. Then again, every day at Tabby’s Place is fat with love.
Aawwwww….they’re all gorgeous! I wanna smooch ’em all up.
Looks like there’s a party going on, that’s for sure!!!