Everything old is new again.
That isn’t, however, due to it being January.
That’s due to the sunrise every morning, and the hope that years can’t hinder…and the cats that keep coming.

Ending 2016 didn’t heal all its hurts. And, because it’s a year in the history of the world after Eden, 2017 is already dishing out a few foul fritters of its own.
But because it’s a year in the palm of God’s hand, 2017 is also delivering good things: Hidden Figures, and this guy, and justice for Barb on Stranger Things, and lovingkindness, and people not saying “on fleek” anymore…
Arrived: Harrison, Mark, Kylo, Juliana, Rey, Dingo, Greystoke, Edgar, Sidewinder, Diana, Rogue, Eevee, Goldeen, Togepi, Ditto, Vulpix, Dratini, Athena (pictured in top thumbnail)
Adopted: Grindle; Cinnamon & Autumn (together); Rick; Mannix; Perry; Fire; Roku; Pumpkin; Seeso; Valentino (who joins alumnae/i Tanya, Brando and Rusty, if your heart can handle that much happy); Riley; TiVo; Luke; Chrissy; Shy; Winona; Nala; Domino; Maybelline
Returned: NOOOOO ONE.

Banished to Ringworm: Cisco, Antimony
Cleared from Quarantine: Cammi, Margo, Stetson, Eno, Dingo, Juliana, Greystoke, Edgar
Cleared from Ringworm: Nyota, Cisco
Demoted from the Community Room: LuEllen, but only in order to get acquainted with her entire room of soon-to-be kin (Margo and Oy, with whom Lu is on hold)
Promoted to Heaven: Halie, Paco, Layla, Onyx, Anneke
Stuff We Learned: “Cisco,” albeit a cute name, is the incorrect name for our scrunch-faced FIV+ tabby. His correct name is He Who Shall Not Be Ringwormed. The foul fungus is on notice; we’re at Cisco 2, Ringworm 0. I pity the fungus that comes back for a third attempt.

For February, we’d like to learn (a) how to teach the world to sing, (b) how to keep all the cats healthy for an infinite period of time, and (c) why all dollar stores smell exactly the same. (You know your nose remembered the smell the second you read those words.)
While we’re working on those mysteries, have yourself a glorious weekend, kittens. There’s candy hearts in them thar hills.
Addie and McNulty are missing from heaven & new arrival? No?
Hi Francine! This is just the news for January 2017, not the whole previous year. (We do “Epilogues” every month to review the previous month.)
Totally nailed it with the dollar store smell. IT’S TRUUUUUUUE!
Wow – January, you had good times and sad times! Thank you for introducing us to THAT GUY, and what is a Togepi, besides a new cute cat? Wonderful news about Shy.