Rick rolled
Is there no limit to what Rick can do?* It is a reasonable question.
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Oh, March, you month of missed opportunities. You talk about lions, lambs, and leprechauns, but you overlook the one creature on earth who is simultaneously all three. You make much of March Madness, but dribble right past its experts. Kittens, March! Cherish the Kittens!
Everything old is new again. That isn’t, however, due to it being January. That’s due to the sunrise every morning, and the hope that years can’t hinder…and the cats that keep coming.
Oh December. Just when we’re ready to write you off as a dastardly doer of dastardly deeds, you give us a thrill of hope, and some out-of-season kittens.
If you have been, say, looking for some hot stuff, baby, this evening; perhaps even looking for some hot stuff, baby, tonight; this July has surely pleased you. The news was incendiary. The temperatures were ghost-peppery. And the cats were sizzling.