Epilogues: November 2020
Be it known that November 2020 has come, November 2020 has gone, November 2020 will not be back again. You and me and the cats, though? We’re still here.
Be it known that November 2020 has come, November 2020 has gone, November 2020 will not be back again. You and me and the cats, though? We’re still here.
Time to do some exercises. Don’t worry, no heavy lifting involved, nor anything physical actually. These exercises are all of the feel-good, happy-making kind.
This maddening time has been greedy for our goods. Whatever your station and situation, COVID-19 has surely reached its gooey fingers into your world to take, and take, and take. But every here and there, those grubby paws have dropped gifts into our laps. And, once we’ve thoroughly disinfected those gifts before bringing them into […]
Editor’s note: I’m overjoyed to introduce Tabby’s Place’s newest staff member, Jae. As you’re about to see, Jae is both a gifted writer and a true friend to our cats. We — feline and human — are delighted to have Jae on our team! — A.H.
Every day is a party at Tabby’s Place. There are shenanigans. There is tomfoolery. There’s enough Party Mix to make a trail to Neptune and back. But one day still stands apart.
Wait. Did we not just epp a log? We did. But that’s because I’m a dunderhead. So dance around in your dungarees, you January-jousting kittens; it’s time for another month in review.
We are In It. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year(TM). The Holiday Season. The ThankChanChriKwaNewYear pentathlon of extravagance and emotion and love and angst. The cats have not noticed.