Epilogues: February 2020
This, my dears, was no ordinary February. This was the big one.
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Do not adjust your monitors. It is not The Holiday Season. This is a legitimate, urgent, bona fide usage of the Emergency Gratuitous Cat Photos System. Circumstances have dictated that we pelt you with pictures immediately. What circumstances? The cats have melted.
All cats are great. All cats are good. Comparison is the thief of joy. But sometimes, dangit, there truly can only be one.
It’s Fat Tuesday, kittens. The climax of Carnival. The ledge of Lent. The day of muchness, merry munching and madness-making before the ashes and the awe and the evaluation of the state of our souls. If that’s your thing. Around here, you know what that means. Thus commences your annual glut of globularity, your smorgasbord […]
We interrupt your regularly-scheduled programming with Breaking News. YOU HIT THE LINDA FUND GOAL.
If you’re reading this blog, you probably don’t need this reminder. But, just in case: never underestimate the wisdom of the cat.
June is arguably the best of months. It has the Strawberry Moon. It has the promise that you will always be a bride. It has Wonder Woman.*
Plug in your earphones, compadres. It’s time to dance to the music…al cats.
April, sweet April, T.S. Eliot had you all wrong. You’re not the cruellest month. You’re not trying to show us fear in a handful of dust.