
Guest post: Looking up

Have you ever wanted to curl up in a fetal ball and never leave your bed again? Not the best idea. This world is filled with ups and downs. Sometimes, the downs feel like they’ll go on forever. Highly improbable. Besides, from our Earth-bound perspective (actually, probably from any perspective), there’s way the heck more […]

Epilogues: November 2021

In this life, there are good things that everyone agrees are good (pajamas, Stanley Tucci). There are good things that some good people believe are bad (candy corn, the 2012 Les Misérables). Such persons are still good, despite being wrong. There are ambiguous things that good and bad people can fight about for a good […]

Epilogues: October 2021

If witches have “familiars” (cats, toads, bats, senators, etc.), we — whatever we are at Tabby’s Place — have “peculiars.” Halloween has come. Halloween has gone. All Saints and All Souls have made their annual appearance. But holidays are perpetual at the Place called Tabby’s, and we’re rich in treats and tricksters, holy mischief-makers and […]