Every once in a while, I get an e-mail that reaches through the computer screen and grabs me by the heart. You know the feeling: a fellow spirit connects over the ether and ”gets it” in a way that takes your breath away and restores your faith in humanity.
Dr. L is such a spirit, and she sent such an e-mail. As a sponsor of Jasper, she was generous to transfer her sponsorship to little Edward when the J-man was adopted. Dr. L’s beautiful explanation of why she chose Edward is too poignant, too moving, and too soul-deep-true not to share. You will be unsurprised to learn that Dr. L is a Professor of English, as she deploys the language most beautifully in tribute to her little lion…
Dr. L's beloved Woden
“I had a cat with both of Edward’s conditions in 2010–he lived with me for five glorious months before his little lion’s heart gave out–and I will care for Edward in his honor.
“May I share a little more, as cat lover to cat lover? I found my beloved on the parking circle at the university where I teach. He was wet, cold, and painfully thin. Because of his condition, he was staggering. I knelt down in front of him, stretched out my hand, and said, “Come here, baby!” He staggered towards me. I picked him up, carried him to my car, and drove him straight to the vet’s office. I called my husband from the parking lot and said I would be bringing home a new cat. (We have six to eight rescued cats at all times, and he asked few questions.)
Darling Woden
“The next five months were the most wonderful of my life. I named the little guy Woden, nursed him as well as I could, held him for hours at a time, and loved him as I have never loved a living creature. He would curl up in my lap and lay his head in the palm of my hand and coo like a dove, and I would whisper that I would always love and take care of him. He seemed to be walking better in the short time before I found him, first thing in the morning, dead on the bathroom floor. That’s why I think his little lion’s heart must have given out. He had such a big heart for that delicate little frame.
“Through nursing Woden, I became familiar with FIV and the neurological illnesses that so often attend it. So, when I saw little Edward, so determined and plucky and affectionate, I knew I had to help care for him.
“God bless you and the work you do! We hope to drive out to Tabby’s Place to meet you and darling Edward very soon.”
I sincerely cannot wait, Dr. L. You are a pearl among humans, and Woden’s glory lives on in your self-giving love. Edward is a king among cats to have you in his life, and we – both species – are blessed beyond measure to have you in our Tabby’s Place family.
This story made my heart melt, which is just the right thing for this cold January night. Thank you, Dr. L and Tabby’s Place for being so sensational 🙂
Dr. L — you have NO idea how much this means to me…first of all, my deepest sympathy to you on losing sweet Woden — but what a blessing he was to you and moreover, what a blessing YOU were to HIM — but I’m sure you feel you were the lucky one. Edward came to me in a similar way, before I was able to bring him to Tabby’s Place Heaven — he is thriving in his new home and is truly a cat among cats. I can’t wait for you to meet him — you will fall in love a million times over! There are not enough words to thank you for your love and sponsorship for our sweet Edward!
How blessed Woden was to know such love for those five months. This brings tears to my eyes. How wonderful of Dr. L to make room in both her heart and her home for sweet Woden. God bless you! I have a soft spot in my heart for Edward too.
This story made my heart melt, which is just the right thing for this cold January night. Thank you, Dr. L and Tabby’s Place for being so sensational 🙂
Dr. L — you have NO idea how much this means to me…first of all, my deepest sympathy to you on losing sweet Woden — but what a blessing he was to you and moreover, what a blessing YOU were to HIM — but I’m sure you feel you were the lucky one. Edward came to me in a similar way, before I was able to bring him to Tabby’s Place Heaven — he is thriving in his new home and is truly a cat among cats. I can’t wait for you to meet him — you will fall in love a million times over! There are not enough words to thank you for your love and sponsorship for our sweet Edward!
How blessed Woden was to know such love for those five months. This brings tears to my eyes. How wonderful of Dr. L to make room in both her heart and her home for sweet Woden. God bless you! I have a soft spot in my heart for Edward too.
Woden chose Dr. L. because he knew she would write about him beautifully.
Between Dr. L and Tabby’s Place, both Woden and Edward got the chance to cross paths with some very wonderful people indeed.