Epilogues: June 2023
Ask the experts: did we fail or prevail at Tabby’s Place this June? Any month involving the Strawberry Moon would seem a guaranteed success. But the experts are not so sure.
Ask the experts: did we fail or prevail at Tabby’s Place this June? Any month involving the Strawberry Moon would seem a guaranteed success. But the experts are not so sure.
Setting: Tabby’s Place Managers’ Meeting. Our Founder & Executive Director assessed the state of the realm: “Walker* sings to all the girls.” Jonathan’s observation was accurate but incomplete.
I just drank a soda that was “transformation flavored.” But if it’s growth I’m after, I should have just consulted Pickles Rosenberg, LSW.
The worst days and the best days are often one and the same, as Charles Dickens knew well. The day that Nemo and I found a different way to spend time together was exactly that. One gazillion percent.
Oh, for goodness sake! Screaming into The Void is useless! The Void is unresponsive! No matter our levels of frustration, shouting about “it” (whatever “it” may be) will resolve nothing. When things change, no matter how they change, it is futile to get all melodramatic and weepy or wordy or…whatever. If it is the kind […]
Life may filled with disappointments. Do not be discouraged! Yes, sometimes the milk bottle in the fridge has only two drops left in it. Yes, sometimes the peanut butter jar has only the tiniest smudges left on the sides. Yes, sometimes it feels like our energy sources are as empty as every half-full kibble bowl is […]
We are not the power. Love is the power. But oh, our light-force! when we turn our faces in its direction.
Never let anyone tell you that cats are immune to New Year’s resolutions. The moment applications opened to drive the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile, the Tabby’s Place cats instantly, collectively developed goals. Resolved to support them, I have just signed 100 reference letters.
Ages of sages haven’t been able to answer this question: why does your eyebrow sometimes twitch? Or, if your name is Sadie Rosenberg,* why does your entire little grey face squiggle with spasms?