Kitty LeFey’s Cosmos: Coming Up Empty

Kitty LeFey’s Cosmos: Coming Up Empty

Life may filled with disappointments. Do not be discouraged!

Yes, sometimes the milk bottle in the fridge has only two drops left in it. Yes, sometimes the peanut butter jar has only the tiniest smudges left on the sides. Yes, sometimes it feels like our energy sources are as empty as every half-full kibble bowl is perceived to be by every cat in the history of ever.

Luckily, those very same cats whose perception in questionable, especially those at Tabby’s Place, provide us with exactly the kinds of diversions we need to restock and restore our depleted cupboards.

Current energizers and refueling sources in the community room include Walker and Pickles. Maybe you’ve read a blog or saw something on TikTok about the cat who couldn’t walk. Well, Walker has taken great strides. He is an endearing charmer, playful and sweet, if still a little shy at times. His beautiful tabby coat is mesmerizing.

As he adjusts to his new space and fellow felines, it is clear that Walker’s formerly dry cup is now filled to overflowing. Walker will pour out his soul to anyone who will give him the time of day along with paly time, refilling his own and theirs to the brim.

Meanwhile, Pickles watches and waits for the toys to come out before she’ll prove that she’s no sour dill. Shy of open spaces and people alike, Pickles’ fears can be overcome by high-speed wand flicks and zooming balls. Her joy boils over and creates human mirth, an especially effective curative for anybody in need of a chill pill or a pick-me-up. Interactions between Pickles and, well, any human are good for all participants as well as for some veteran residents.

S’mores for one has been caught on video having a grand time while becoming an unwitting lure for both Walker and Pickles.

Not to be out done, and madly throwing gauntlets about at the younger cats, Tux has responded energetically to temptations flicked the way of his more youthful counterparts. At 19 years old, Tux can fill up anyone’s cup with delight at his superlatively spry springiness.

Such engaging playmates are good for the souls. And, all told, when it seems like life’s bowl is coming up empty, a quick trip to Tabby’s Place to see such furry friends does much more to restock one’s pantry than shopping for milk and peanut butter ever could.

In person or online, the cats are ready to fill hearts and heads with happiness and cheer, leaving absolutely no chance of coming up empty.



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