Super moon-faces

Super moon-faces

mooncatsTonight, we’ll all see a Super Moon rising.

There’s just one thing even more super than this. Tell me true: what’s superior to Supernanny, a supermajority, Super Mario, and even the Price is Right’s famous Superball? 

One last hint: it’s guaranteed to send you over the moon.

You got it: big, giant, round, moony cat heads. If the following moon-faces don’t send you swooning…well, you need a supermiracle. πŸ˜‰

Perhaps the mooniest-faced cat at Tabby's Place, Super Ali (who is, as Jonathan accurately puts it, afraid of molecules). Thanks to Denise for this amazing shot.
Perhaps the mooniest-faced cat at Tabby's Place, Super Ali (who is, as Jonathan accurately puts it, afraid of molecules). Thanks to Denise for this amazing shot.
Super Halie
Halie, she of the round face and the moon-sized 'tude
Super Toya
Super Toya, who is confident she could take the Super Moon in a fight (and my money's on her)
Dusty (as captured in his full glory by Denise), whose big-round-headedness is rivaled only by his determination to outlive his nemesis Nuttin. They hold a tie for "most diseases survived simultaneously" at Tabby's Place.
Dusty (as captured in his full glory by Denise), whose big-round-headedness is rivaled only by his determination to outlive his nemesis Nuttin. They hold a tie for "most diseases survived simultaneously" at Tabby's Place.
Super Hooper...good glory, I think my IQ just slumped 47 points as a result of typing that.
Super Hooper...good glory, I think my IQ just slumped 47 points as a result of typing that.
Harley, whose head is as big, round and moony as ever despite his new 'do
Harley, whose head is as big, round and moony as ever despite his new 'do

Super Pikachu, a full harvest moon
Super Pikachu, a full harvest moon
Super Yasmine, who may know more about the Super Moon than do we, since she does inhabit her very own planet.
Super Yasmine, who may know more about the Super Moon than do we, since she does inhabit her very own planet.
Even the elusive Valencia can't hide such a gloriously moon-shaped head as this. Special thanks to Denise for this gorgeous rare shot.
Even the elusive Valencia can't hide such a gloriously moon-shaped head as this. Special thanks to Denise for this gorgeous rare shot.
Icelus, one of the newest members of the Big Giant Head Club for Cats at Tabby's Place. More on him next week.
Icelus, one of the newest members of the Big Giant Head Club for Cats at Tabby's Place. More on him next week.
Super Kirk. Perhaps the enormity of his big, giant head is the reason he knows only two speeds, "molasses" and "coma." Being this super-moony is hard work.
Super Kirk. Perhaps the enormity of his big, giant head is the reason he knows only two speeds, "molasses" and "coma." Being this super-moony is hard work.

Hmmm…we sure do seem to have an abundance of cats with really big, really round heads at Tabby’s Place. But this post would still be a complete and utter failure without featuring the superest of the moon-faces…

C’mon, don’t act so surprised. πŸ˜‰
Happy Super Moon, Felis Catus fam, to you and all the cats in your life who send you swooning.

5 thoughts on “Super moon-faces

  1. Angela, I think you forgot about 4 other TP residents who certainly qualify for inclusion in this Super Moon-Faces : Cecille, Cypress, Jenny & Lady Grey πŸ˜‰ >^^<

  2. The Super Moon was beautiful, but it couldn’t possibly outshine these furry faces. πŸ™‚ P.S. Harley went a whole different direction at the beauty salon, I see. It suits him. πŸ™‚

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