Surgeon general’s warning: if you have an allergy to happiness, warm fuzzies and/or having your faith in humanity restored, you may want to avert your eyes from the following.
Still here?
Let’s hand things off to the only one who can tell this right: Carolina Cat Lover. Take it away, CCL:
Gabriel settling in Casa Carolina Cat Lover
“This is the story of how two rescue organizations combined their resources to save the life of one little kitten.
“As it started out, Tabby’s Place received an e-mail from a woman named Lizzie in North Carolina who had found a small kitten. The little cat had been injured. His right hind leg had been torn off at the knee joint (not clear how this happened). He also had no tail, although a vet exam would reveal that he’d been born without one.
“After getting Lizzie’s email, Jonathan longed to help. Since Lizzie could not afford any vet bills, she and could not keep the orange kitten. She’d named him Gabriel, because even though he was injured, he was an angel and loved to sit on her lap and purr. Jonathan asked his staff for any ideas. Angela immediately thought of myself (Carolina Cat Lover) and my wife, since we are supporters of Tabby’s Place and volunteers with Brother Wolf Animal Rescue in Asheville, N. C.. She forwarded the e-mail to use to see if we could provide any assistance to Lizzie. We contacted Lizzie and found out that where she lived was about 5 hours away from Asheville.
Gabriel cuddling CCL
“This is where I believe divine intervention set in.
“As luck would have it, we had two friends who lived in Raleigh. They were close to where Lizzie lived, and they were moving back to Asheville that very week. Both had worked here for Brother Wolf before they moved, and one was a vet tech. They picked up Gabriel and brought him to us to foster. We brought Gabriel to the vet that Brother Wolf uses, and he confirmed that the remaining stub of the leg had to be removed.
“Following his surgery, Gabriel stayed with us for his rehab. He was truly the love bug that Lizzie said he was. He loved to sit on your lap and purr while being petted, and he sure would let you know vocally if he thought he was being ignored (he had some good lungs for a 3 month old kitten). If he were to stay here at Brother Wolf, he would receive wonderful treatment…but he would have had to be kept in a cage at the adoption center with other kittens.
“As I had said, this was a dual effort between two organizations. Jonathan said that, if need be, Tabby’s Place would take Gabriel in. We felt this would be best for him, since he was so social and Tabby’s Place provides a much different atmosphere. I made arrangements to personally bring Gabriel to Tabby’s Place.
Gabe, now Sinatra, at Tabby's Place
“Gabriel and I had a wonderful trip, and he received a really warm reception at Tabby’s Place. From now on, he will always be a Tabby’s Place cat, but a part of him will always be in our hearts. I am sure he will be adopted quickly because he is so lovable. From Angela’s last e-mail, it sounds like he has won a place in the hearts of everyone there.
“One last thing: since they already had an orange tabby Gabriel at Tabby’s Place, they renamed him Sinatra. Despite already being past the age when most kittens’ eyes turn green or gold, this little guy’s eyes remain sky blue, and Dr. Collins believe they will stay that way forever.
“This may have been a lot to go through, but one kitten’s life is all the better for it. Many thanks to everyone on both organizations who had a hand in making this happen.”
Carolina Cat Lover, words can’t fully express all our thanks to you for being the golden melody ringing out through Sinatra’s life. You stitched together all the chords from Raleigh to Asheville to Ringoes, NJ, and the result is “Young Blue Eyes”‘ love-song life.
Now go forth and have a weekend worth crooning over.
oh, what a handsome little boy! And what a remarkable story — Carolina Cat Love, YOU are Gabriel – what an angel you are to go through all of this to save one sweet little kitten. I can’t wait to smoosh this little Sinatra!
oh, what a handsome little boy! And what a remarkable story — Carolina Cat Love, YOU are Gabriel – what an angel you are to go through all of this to save one sweet little kitten. I can’t wait to smoosh this little Sinatra!
what a wonderful story!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to come in and meet this sweet boy! Hopefully I make it there before he is scooped up into a forever home!
Start spreading the news
These vagabond shoes
Are gonna make a brand new start of it
Hooray Tabby’s Place!