Epilogues: January 2018
Wait. Did we not just epp a log? We did. But that’s because I’m a dunderhead. So dance around in your dungarees, you January-jousting kittens; it’s time for another month in review.
Wait. Did we not just epp a log? We did. But that’s because I’m a dunderhead. So dance around in your dungarees, you January-jousting kittens; it’s time for another month in review.
It’s been a memorable year for a certain orange tabby and his compassionate press agent. Today, Simba and Tara ring out 2017 with high hopes…and, in Simba’s case, some unfortunate fingernail fashion.
Quite a lot happened this week in history. The Feast Day of St. Francis. The Battle of Largs. The births of Gandhi and Vaclav Havel and Sting. The 14th anniversary of Tabby’s Place.
“Playing well with others” isn’t everyone’s core competency. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that. But, in the case of one Simba Rosenberg, there’s one way to strengthen those social muscles: surround yourself with a slew of new neighbors. Tara tells the tale today. – A.H.
Did you eat local at every farm market? Did you “fweeeee!” around every Ferris wheel? Did you summer your summer to the summaximum?
It has come. October. But before we can properly begin the month of Tabby’s Place’s 10th anniversary and our 1st Halloween in three years without a major natural disaster, we’ve got some ‘splaining to do about September.
August has left the building. This means it’s time to put away your hot summer fashions, like the classic black knee socks with cargo shorts and Birkenstocks (a look only recommended if you’re a male over age 85 and shaped like Grimace). It also means it’s time for our monthly recap.