
Guest Post: Zesty: Brave Sir Bellamy

Whether you realize it or not, you are very, very familiar with the Arthurian Legend. Maybe you haven’t done the deep nerd thing (I can NOT make that claim), having never delved into Mallory (too much jousting!), Chrétien De Troyes (maudlin much?), or the Mabinogion (Welsh dictionary advised). Maybe you have never participated in any […]

Epilogues: February 2021

February was not fully perfect. Cases in point: Something has gone horribly wrong with all the butter in Canada. Elvira is no longer ours for the hugging. Daft Punk has broken up. Additional case in point, pointedly true every month: our collective sanity has broken up (HA HA HA I MADE A FUNNY! “COLLECTIVE SANITY” […]