Ordinary cats
There are two things that readers of this blog should know very well. There are no ordinary cats. This is no ordinary time.
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There are two things that readers of this blog should know very well. There are no ordinary cats. This is no ordinary time.
Be it known that November 2020 has come, November 2020 has gone, November 2020 will not be back again. You and me and the cats, though? We’re still here.
There’s that little something lurking in that corner…not that one…yes, over there. Don’t be afraid, unless you want to be. Maybe you get a little shiver of a thrill from a teensy bit of fear. Not judging.
More than ever before, we are hearing from the stridently this or vociferously that crowds. This is clearly right. That is clearly wrong. There can be no in between. This side or that side. If you’re not with me, you’re against me. Life is seldom so clear. Even when it is at its foundation, there […]
As proven by its occasional rhapsodizing about Alan Alda and One Direction, this blog is not generally pinned to the pulse of celebrity news. But this week’s star sorrow demands a response. The world has lost its beloved Black Panther, Chadwick Boseman.
Part of my job is to make appointment reminder phone calls. Recently, I had a rough conversation with someone who couldn’t tell the difference between 3 disparate groups of people. (Oh, no. Here we go.)
If cats could take Buzzfeed quizzes, they wouldn’t. Amy has no need to know which Disney princess she would be, nor whether or not Timothée Chalamet would like her mixtape.
Don’t let commercials about rich people getting Christmas Cadillacs make you cynical. These are, in fact, the days of miracle and wonder. And I’ve got 120 cats to back me up.