

mimi-cuddles-up-at-tabbys-place-october-2013sss…doesn’t scarcely begin to describe it.

You know it.

It’s that feeling you get when you recognize that everything is gift.

That you have dear ones you love, who love you.

That you have cats you love more than the world.

That there are cats at all in the world.

That there is this cat in the world.

HRH Peachy
HRH Peachy

And this one.

Unsinkable Mimi. And, yes, she is clearly saying "it's like-a dis!" in an Italian accent here. Clearly.
Unsinkable Mimi. And, yes, she is clearly saying "it's like-a dis!" in an Italian accent here. Clearly.

And these ones.

Cosita and Furball
Cosita and Furball

And this one.

Brielle, who was recently described as "a little snooker." I have no idea what that means, but it sounds exactly right.
Brielle, who was recently described as "a little snooker." I have no idea what that means, but it sounds exactly right.

That there was this cat in the world, even for a moment.

Loved everlastingly...
Loved everlastingly...

It’s that feeling you get when any other feeling would be a lie. Or, perhaps, not so much a lie as a pallid little thing that can’t bear the weight of reality.*

It’s that feeling that keeps the fire burning every day of the year, turkey or no.

It’s the truth of grace. And so you are something much, much more than thankful.

*Akin to Carrot Top attempting to play Odysseus after Anthony Hopkins declined the role.

4 thoughts on “Thankful…

  1. I wish there existed a word that described just how thankful I am…for everything in my life…and for Tabby’s Place, the cats we can save and nurture, and the wonderful friends I have made because of this remarkable sanctuary.

  2. Thankful for unexpected blessings in unnavigated waters. This is a lovely post, thank you for sharing, and thank you for yours and everyone’s work at Tabby’s Place. I’m sure the furry ones show their appreciation daily and help keep the fire burning.

  3. Beautiful post, Angela. Thankful for Tabby’s Place, and for your gift of words that always makes me laugh and tear up at the very same moment. (Carrot Top as Odysseus?!)

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