Samuel IV

Samuel IV

Sam“Sam” has been a name associated with invincible coolness at Tabby’s Place.

The original Sammy lived and thrived long beyond his “expiration date.” The unsinkable Sammie whupped congestive heart failure’s tail for three years. One-and-a-half-eyed tabby Sam was the epitome of sweetness. And, now, zingy little sable Sam has landed the dream of all Samuels: a forever home.

SamNot just any forever home would have been right for Sam. On an energy scale from 1 (coma) to 10 (roller coaster), Sam would score an 11 (kindergartner on his fourth espresso). If our skinny boy looks like he’s all legs and no pudge, that’s because he’s a master of perpetual motion.

When our volunteer behaviorist, N.M., walked into the Community Room today and read that Sam had been adopted, her exact words were, “Oh thank God! Oh, thank GOD!” It turns out our little bundle of energy zippiness manic, marvleous chaos had made N.M.’s behavior work with the other cats…um, challenging impossible. (Kind of hard to argue that. Picture trying to draw out the shyest kid in class when the class clown is dangling from the chandelier with a lampshade on his head, spraying silly string in all directions and screaming “I’M THE KING OF THE WORLD!”)

But before you get the wrong idea about Sam, know that this little New York City boy is also the most affectionate, gregarious, love-bunnyish cat you could hope to meet. To top it off, Sam’s almost as cute as he is sweet – and that’s scandalously cute.

Sam = energy unlimitedBut that energy…it needs the right outlet.

And, wonder of wonders, the Sam spark fits the SamFamily’s outlet like a custom design.

I don’t know where Sam and the SamFam get that zingy, gleeful zip, but it’s a wonder to behold (and, if we could somehow bottle it and use it to power America, we wouldn’t be worrying about oil any more). There’s almost nothing sweeter than a perfect fit for a perfect feline.

But, then again, Sam is a Tabby’s Place Samuel. And we’ve never met a Sam we didn’t love. Here’s to everySam – past, present, and (I’d bet one hundred meeelion dollars) future. Samuel V, are you out there? Can’t wait to meet you.

PS: This week we’re graced with the kind of forever-home-palooza we celebrated in the Land of 1,000 Adoptions. Look for some more very, very good news in the days to come. 😀

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