OK, I completely made that up.
We have no evidence that Mystic has ever loved, eaten or had access to pizza. No evidence except…well, when Mystic’s ginormous self hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. You may have a memory of Mystic. Hasn’t she been here before? It’s no mystery; you’re quite right. The big-eyed tiny-tabby member of the Great Kentucky Eight (she’s around 2:33) has been here – at Tabby’s Place and on this blog – before.
Since sometimes it doesn’t work out, she’s here again.
Now, before you start brandishing rotten vegetables to fling at Mr. Mystic, it’s not his fault. I’ll be discreet about the details. But suffice to say this was a case of necessity, and Mystic’s return to Tabby’s Place broke no one’s heart so much as Mr. Mystic’s.
But’s what that about a tiny-tabby type? That was definitely our girl in 2009. And it seemed that was, again, a decent descriptor of Mystic in 2011. In fact, Jonathan’s first words upon opening Mystic’s crate were, “oh, I’d forgotten she was so tiny.”
Um. About that tininess…

Yeah. Mystic must have been loving pizza – or kibble, or Sausage McMuffins, or a basketball – these past two years.

None of this is to imply there’s anything wrong with Mystic’s, er, incredible girth. Far from it. I think you’ll agree that girlfriend rocks her XXL self. Following in the plus-sized pawprints of such ladies as Paprika and Sarafina, Mystic is all kinds of gorgeous and at least 57 varieties of awesome. (Gross understatement, to be sure.) I am a firm believer that, like people, cats have different body types. Unlike us foolish humans, cats definitely do not have fragile body image.
Least of all Mystic.
Think about it. Under similar circumstances, a human bean might wring his or her hands, sighing, “Have I changed? Was it that couch I ate that ended my ‘forever’ home? Am I just too big, too much, for my family now?” But, as a proper cat, Mystic would never, for a sliver of a second, think that she could possibly be too much of anything. In fact, cats make it their business to be as much of a muchness as they can possibly be.

And we love them for it.
There is no room for self-doubt amidst the rocking radness of cathood. So, in honor of huge, magnificent, hugely-magnificent Mystic, I propose a challenge for us all, Felis Catus fam. May we be too much of a muchness. May we rock whatever wrinkles or blips or blobs life has handed us. And even – especially – if we’ve doubted the excellence of our own essence (and I’m right in the mire on this one – been there, done that, got the T-shirt), may we just stop it.
Mystic knows – you can see it in her strut and her happy-to-meetcha attitude – that she has been created in Love as an amazing, beautiful phenomenon. She is a real, live miracle walking this earth in tabby stripes. No changes, be they the increase of pounds or the loss of an adoptive home, are going to convince her otherwise.
So why let ’em shake us?
I raise my pizza to Mystic and to each of you – feline and human – who dares to believe that nothing about you is too-much or less-than-enough. Let’s sail into the Mystic this year. You just know this wonder-tabby has a forever forever home in her very near future. As we love her and pour our love into everycat, may we feel at home in Love and in ourselves.

ooooohhh — she is luscious! Basketball?!!! I can’t wait to get my hands around, um ON, this wonderful girl. Look at that face and those eyes! She’ll be adopted again right away, I’m sure!
What a beautiful girl she’s grown up to be! I’m all for round cats AND sailing into the Mystic 24/7. 🙂
She is GORGEOUS!!!! I love those big, beautiful eyes of hers!! Many head pats and cuddles to Miss Mystic!!!
She is just too precious!!!! I met her yesterday and was amazed at the size of her! These pics are very flattering 😉 Such a sweet, sweet girl!!