My heart is aching. I suppose the loss of a 21-year-old cat shouldn’t be a shock, but I was in no way prepared to lose Tabby’s Place’s reigning “elder statescat,” the unsinkable Hillary.
Volunteer Larry, who has been devoted to his “sweetheart” Hillary for years now, was kind enough to pen this tribute to our irrepressible, unforgettable girl.
“Hillary lived in the Community Room.
One of the first things I remember was the sign that announced “Hillary for President.” President Hillary sounds nice, but I do not think her heart was in it.
She later said she would rather be Queen. She was the Queen of the people. She loved to hold court, being among her people. She ruled with such love and grace it is hard to think about Tabby’s Place without Hillary.
The truth is, there will never be a Tabby’s Place without Hillary. She is with us still.
Belly rubs were always on the top of her agenda. This was her home, her world. She allowed us to be part of that world. She was a small kitty, a beautiful kitty. She filled our hearts with love. She is one of the Super Cats of Tabby’s Place.
Rest in peace sweet girl.”
Thank you, Larry. From the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks, and your heart bubbles over with love for Hillary.
Sweet Hillary, you have been my office-mate, my desk-buddy, my “supervisor” and constant companion since I began at Tabby’s Place. I love you always and will miss you until we meet again…
I have only had the opportunity to visit Tabby’s Place two times, but on each occasion I got to meet Hilliary, she was obviously well cared for and loved and for a cat lived to a ripe old age. Larry and Angela, just remember this about her, the memories of her will never fade, and you will carry them on forever, then one day you will all be together again, to never more be parted. RIP sweet Hillary.
this is so sad. i can’t imagine volunteering and not seeing hillary in the community room. she will be missed 🙁
No matter how long a loved kitty lives, even to the amazing age of 21, it still never seems long enough. Have a safe trip, Hillary. We’ll all see you again soon.
She lived a long happy life and was obviously well cared for. I remember her interupting volunteer meetings by leaping on the table. Such a lovely girl 🙂
From the bottom of my heart and soul, my condolences to everyone at Tabby’s Place on the passing of Queen Hillary. Hillary was the essence of Tabby’s Place and was what this sanctuary is all about. I am blessed to have been one of the lucky people to have had the chance to cuddle her — and like everyone else has said, she will be waiting for her loved ones, leaving her beautiful spirit to warm our hearts in the meantime. Sleep peacefully, little one.
I am crying as I type this – there were so many opportunities for me to visit this year and for one reason or another I kept puting it off……if there was ever a Queen of Tabby’s Place – it would have to be Hillary –
Rest in Peace – my wonderful little friend
love Pam
I’m so sad to read of Hillary’s loss. But what a wonderful, safe, happy long life she lived, surrounded by her friends and admirers at Tabby’s Place. I’m sure there’s a new star somewhere in Heaven with her name on it.
The loss of Hillary will forever alter Tabby’s Place. I’m so sorry to all those mourning the loss of this sweet wonderful lady. I will miss her greatly.
Oh Hillary, you’ve gone and left us behind… The community room and morning meetings will never be the same without you, you will be greatly missed. Rest in peace.