Gratuitous cat photos of the day: Meteorological Winter edition

Gratuitous cat photos of the day: Meteorological Winter edition

30474262933_ffe0b6e0e9_kToday is the first day of winter…meteorological winter.

The cats are celebrating accordingly.

Swiffer loves meteorology. And sparkles.
Swiffer loves meteorology. And sparkles.

Yes, meteorological winter is a thing. Before you lament our launching into winter any sooner than necessary, know this: marking meteorological winter means we get to celebrate meteorological spring 21 days before its tardy cousin.

But between now and then, here are a few mighty meteors to warm your cocoa. Happy December, dahlings.

Photos courtesy of Heather. We heart Heather so much, in all seasons.

Lucille means "let it snow" in only the most metaphorical sense, e.g., "Let it not, unless them flakes be Party Mix."
Lucille means “let it snow” in only the most metaphorical sense, e.g., “Let it not, unless them flakes be Party Mix.”

3 thoughts on “Gratuitous cat photos of the day: Meteorological Winter edition

  1. Carrie – I never saw that before but I have to agree with you! Plus, she is a love bug just like Levi! Isn’t it great to know that all the fuzzy babies will be warm and safe all winter long at Tabby’s Place?

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