Epilogues: September 2017
Quite a lot happened this week in history. The Feast Day of St. Francis. The Battle of Largs. The births of Gandhi and Vaclav Havel and Sting. The 14th anniversary of Tabby’s Place.
Quite a lot happened this week in history. The Feast Day of St. Francis. The Battle of Largs. The births of Gandhi and Vaclav Havel and Sting. The 14th anniversary of Tabby’s Place.
Editrix’s note: nothing I could possibly write could add to the beauty of this update. Special thanks to Tabby’s Place volunteer/adopter/extraordinary human bean Karin, Boots‘ longtime Special Needs correspondent, for penning this triumphant farewell. — A.H.
What’s that you say? Volunteer Appreciation Week — and its guest posts from our phenomenal vols — didn’t last long enough for you?
Lyrical gangsta and all-around awesome human Albert Schweitzer supposedly said the following: “There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.”
One of the first birthday presents I remember receiving was a Casio keyboard. Although this did not launch me to the levels of Keyboard Cat or Nora, it helped prepare me for Anneke and Mimi.
If you’re a cat, or a three-year-old, you do not mind repetition. Make the feather fly again! Start the Doc McStuffins DVD again!
Today is the first day of winter…meteorological winter. The cats are celebrating accordingly.
Many people would benefit from your freaking out right now. The cats are not among those people.
For the fruits of your labors, the Tabby’s Place cats thank you. You donate. You share our stories. You pray. You love. You labor your legwarmers off…and your labors do not go unnoticed.
Ask not for whom the Community Room door opens; it opens for thee. Unless thou art Jackie. Or Hildegarde. Or Boots. Or — heaven help us — Olive.