There are Christmas songs, and then there are Christmas songs.*
“O Holy Night” is one of the latter.
O Holy Tabby’s Place, quite conveniently, is singing that song full strength this year.
This is one of those carols that’s easy to roar through without fully realizing the power in the words.
Fortunately, we have cats to remind us.
Of all the lines in O Holy Night, there’s arguably none more gasp-giving than this: the soul felt its worth.
I suspect you, being human, instinctively know what this is about. Like me (for I am also incorrigibly human), you know what it’s like to feel less than worthy-souled. There are hours and days and dark dank months when you feel like the worst of all ne’er-do-wells. You try to do well, you try to be worthy, but you just can’t. Ne’er.
If I were a motivational speaker, this is the part where I’d cheer, “but you ARE worthy, you ARE! You’re a special shiny snowflake! And for $19.99, I’ll tell you how perfect you are!”
But, spending this much time around cats keeps me honest, so I’ll tell you: you’re not perfect.
Neither am I.
And that’s what makes love so divine, so…holy.
The cats take us as we are, exactly as we are.
Warts. Weariness. Weird sweatpants. All of it.
And although we’re technically called to take care of them, it’s very clear that the grace goes both ways here.
When we’re truly loved, such as we are, exactly as we are, warts and ne’er-doing-well and all, our souls are given a value they’d never imagined.
We’re not loved because we’re worthy. We’re worthy because we’re loved.
And when the One who made you comes down to personally love you, your soul will feel its worth.
But, in case you need reminders, cats are here, loving you.
Let yourself be loved…and the soul feels its worth.
*And then there are crimes against humanity, like “Christmas Shoes.” But we’re not going there.
Photo credits from de top: Orion x2 by Rob; Sherpa by Mark; Sam by Lynn
Thank you Angela … may love extend to all the members of the Tabby’s Place family this holiday season.
Sam does look dashing in his holiday garb .. what a sweetie!
Orion, Sherpa, marvelous Santa Sam and Angela – thank you for this blog. Reminds us that whenever we need it, the cats (ours at home and the Tabby’s Place wonders) are there with forever love.