Mothers and others
There is more than one way to be an orphan. There are even more ways to be a mother.
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There is more than one way to be an orphan. There are even more ways to be a mother.
Oh, March, you month of missed opportunities. You talk about lions, lambs, and leprechauns, but you overlook the one creature on earth who is simultaneously all three. You make much of March Madness, but dribble right past its experts. Kittens, March! Cherish the Kittens!
You gave us wonder and splendor. You gave us the return of Bill and Ted (see above). You gave us the feast day of St. Augustine, and the annual pondering as to whether or not his friends called him “Gus.” You gave us an uncommonly high volume of marmalade cats.
Oh August, sweet little August, you are young yet, and tender. Yet as you grow, we have a request for you. On behalf of every individual of every species on every continent, subcontinent and islet: please be kind.
If you have been, say, looking for some hot stuff, baby, this evening; perhaps even looking for some hot stuff, baby, tonight; this July has surely pleased you. The news was incendiary. The temperatures were ghost-peppery. And the cats were sizzling.