Epilogues: October 2017
October over? Pumpkins kerplopped? Fear not; November remembers you.
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You’re not that weak. You don’t really need adorable photos to melt you down to goodness. But come Shameless Linda Fund Season, you bet I’m weak enough to resort to that anyway.
Editor’s note: As you may have heard, Big Giant Things are afoot at Tabby’s Place this May. More on such Things, Big and Giant, in an upcoming post. In the meantime, however, one (physically) small (spiritual) giant begs his tale be told. The rumors are true: Lars is still in the land of the living.
One of the first birthday presents I remember receiving was a Casio keyboard. Although this did not launch me to the levels of Keyboard Cat or Nora, it helped prepare me for Anneke and Mimi.
Were we not, just recently, right in this space, talking of age and dreams and never-too-late ideals? Were we not talking of beach volleyball, and ageless agility…and Chianti?
The songwriters of the world can’t quite agree about September. Some want to remember it.* Some are trying to remember it. Some just want to be awakened when it ends. And then there are the cats.
If you have been, say, looking for some hot stuff, baby, this evening; perhaps even looking for some hot stuff, baby, tonight; this July has surely pleased you. The news was incendiary. The temperatures were ghost-peppery. And the cats were sizzling.