Leave no cat unloved
“New” is notable. “New” makes lists. “New” sells. “Old” waits. “Old” knows. “Old” holds onto keepsakes. You are reading this because you hold hands with “old.”
“New” is notable. “New” makes lists. “New” sells. “Old” waits. “Old” knows. “Old” holds onto keepsakes. You are reading this because you hold hands with “old.”
Atari was born c. 1972. Atari means “to hit a target.” Atari is associated with good luck.
Ask the experts: did we fail or prevail at Tabby’s Place this June? Any month involving the Strawberry Moon would seem a guaranteed success. But the experts are not so sure.
Life brings change. Some change is good; some change is bad. Most change is neutral. Change is as inevitable as the shift from day to night, sunrise to moonrise. Hence the tautology, It is what it is. Life delivered a great deal of change directly into the unsuspecting paws of Hips Rosenberg. Down one tail […]
According to one particular person, as a fan of sumo and as a very actively involved volunteer at a cat sanctuary, I am, apparently, “a cartoon version of a real person.“ I’ve also been told that The Warner Sister Dot should play me in the movie of my life. I’m sure this has readers scratching […]
O! You wondrous creatures, you radiant Tabby’s Place residents! You are equally at home in winter and spring, dropping long-tailed poetry like petals across the month that makes seasons kiss. You Marched through our days as children of the Tabby’s Place promise, blossoms beloved simply because you are ours. You made us yours. And to […]