Epilogues: March 2017
March, baby, we need to talk. That lion-and-lamb stuff is an understatement when it comes to you. Good heavens to Murgatroyd, did you ever march forth.
March, baby, we need to talk. That lion-and-lamb stuff is an understatement when it comes to you. Good heavens to Murgatroyd, did you ever march forth.
Tell me, please. How is it that you can lose and lose and never be empty?
Many people would benefit from your freaking out right now. The cats are not among those people.
For the fruits of your labors, the Tabby’s Place cats thank you. You donate. You share our stories. You pray. You love. You labor your legwarmers off…and your labors do not go unnoticed.
Ask not for whom the Community Room door opens; it opens for thee. Unless thou art Jackie. Or Hildegarde. Or Boots. Or — heaven help us — Olive.
Tis the season to be feasty beasts. Gingerbread. Pfefferneuse. Fruitcake. Fudge. Linzer cookies. Strufuli.* Arid orbs of prescription cat food.
Much like the New York Times, Felis Catus is committed to journalistic integrity. Unlike the New York Times, Felis Catus has the advantage of feline editors.
There are things we probably should have realized sooner than we did. I should have realized, when my high school boyfriend chose Tubthumping by Chumbawamba as “our song,” that this relationship would ultimately fall down and not get up again. You should have realized, when your blind date introduced himself as Joey “Spicy Meat-a-Ball” Spinelli, […]
Tra-la… It’s May, which means spring is about to get real. We’re talking dogwoods. Tulips. Hydrangeas. And kittens. Baby kittens. Bring on the brain-liquefying, IQ-annihilating powers of kittens and their nuclear cuteness.
Sometimes 28 days can feel like the longest month of the year. This was no ordinary February.