Sponsor Updates for Charlie

Update for Charlie

Yes, dear sponsors…let us welcome September and the transition it brings. All my younger visitors are headed back to school, and although it’s still over 90 degrees outside as I dictate this to my scribe, I know the cooler weather is on its way. I do love summer for all the joyful vacation-minded moods it […]

Update for Charlie

Greetings, sponsor friends. So I’m wondering if you have ever heard of a television show from the 1980s called “Charles in Charge”? Well apparently, my scribe was a teen fan and has taken to singing the theme song to me each time she visits. If you’ve never heard it, or if you’re in need of […]

Update for Charlie

Greetings, my beloved sponsors! I hope this update finds you swimming in the joys of summer. I’d prefer never to attempt any type of water sport myself, being a cat and all, but I hear humans enjoy all types of water-related activities this time of year. I know many humans have time off from work […]

Update for Charlie

Hey, groovy sponsors! It’s been quite a month here at Tabby’s Place, with lots of action that I’ve been watching from my various cozy beds in Suite FIV. I’ve seen several exciting adoptions, for both kittens AND older cats…yay! I always hope that one day I’ll find my forever home, but I’m also always happy […]

Update for Charlie

Oh glory be, my beloved sponsors! The sunny days of May are upon us. Tabby’s Place is abuzz with bottle babies and a newly designated “kitten room,” and all our staff and volunteers are singing the tunes of Spring. Although I continue to mystify folks by my dedication to staying inside, I hear there’s quite […]

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