Update for Charlie

Update for Charlie

Yes, dear sponsors…let us welcome September and the transition it brings.

All my younger visitors are headed back to school, and although it’s still over 90 degrees outside as I dictate this to my scribe, I know the cooler weather is on its way. I do love summer for all the joyful vacation-minded moods it seems to bring to my human visitors. However, I want to remind you that with every season, turn, turn…and savor the new gifts it has in store.

Autumn brings temperatures that are much more my groove, since I’m so large and fluffy, and I know folks here have been happy to see me outside enjoying the solarium a bit with my fellow FIV+ dudes and dudettes. When we lounge out there, I can hear in the distance the rustling sounds of browning corn fields that will soon be plowed into mazes for kids to frolic in, and I can still smell the last of the season’s tomatoes ripe on the vines.

It’s been a stable month for me on the health front, so I’m grateful as always for the excellent care everyone here is giving me.

My scribe recently shot a few photos of me in a new bed that I took full possession of immediately upon its arrival in my suite. One photo is of me in all my voluptuous grayness, sitting regally in the center of my fancy new bed. The other photo shows my fancy new bed once I decided to actually leave for a few minutes to go get a crunchy snack. My scribe thought it a bit amusing that I left a large portion of my voluptuous grayness behind as a souvenir for the next cat who took possession of said fancy bed. So maybe I shed just a tad now and then? Not unheard of in the cat world, am I right?

Well, no sooner did my scribe snap that second photo than another volunteer appeared with a brush to groom me. Ah…I am a lucky boy to live here at Tabby’s Place, and to have sponsors like you.

Love, peace, and purrs…