Update for Charlie

Update for Charlie

Hey, groovy sponsors!

It’s been quite a month here at Tabby’s Place, with lots of action that I’ve been watching from my various cozy beds in Suite FIV. I’ve seen several exciting adoptions, for both kittens AND older cats…yay! I always hope that one day I’ll find my forever home, but I’m also always happy for my fellow kitties who find theirs in the meantime. And I am lucky enough to have sponsors like you to help take care of all my needs, so thank you!

Summer will soon be upon us, although I am not much for spending those hot days out in the solarium. Air conditioning is my friend, being as super furry as I am. Lots of other kitties I know simply love sunning themselves all day long, but not me. Plus, I think my regular visitors know to find me inside, and I certainly don’t want to miss a visit from anyone!

I was snoozing when my scribe visited me last week, and she caught me letting out a big ol’ yawn with her camera, as you see here. And then, of course, she got my deep granite grey profile as I paused between feasting on my dry food and taking sips of water.

I’ve gladly become an unofficial therapy cat for my scribe over the past few months, since she lost her older dog. She was fourteen and had a wonderful life, but of course my scribe misses her with all her heart. I’m happy to give extra hugs to anyone who needs them for whatever reason. It’s never a chore for me — that’s my favorite job!

So if you are in need of a hug, come by and let me practice my therapy cat skills. And don’t lounge inside like me — get outside and enjoy all the sunshine that June brings. Channel your inner kitty and climb a tall tree or sink your bare paws into freshly cut grass. Cherish the longest days of the year!

Peace, love, and purrs…
