Otherworldly: Jackson Galaxy visits Tabby’s Place

Otherworldly: Jackson Galaxy visits Tabby’s Place

lens19465697_1336591372a-a_a-aaIt doesn’t take too much to get us giddy at Tabby’s Place.

If Jonathan announces over the PA, “Attention: I am about to play with kittens in the lobby,” five adult humans will come bounding out like punch-drunk puppies.

But this week, our excitement soared to new levels with the visit of the Cat Daddy himself, My Cat From Hell‘s Jackson Galaxy.

Jackson Galaxy with Team Tabby's Place, as taken by Jackson's delightful publicist Breanna. And, yes, that is the extraordinary Gwen Cooper at far left. Whenever there's this much awesomeness in a room, Gwen manifests.
Jackson Galaxy with Team Tabby's Place, as taken by Jackson's delightful publicist Breanna. And, yes, that is the extraordinary Gwen Cooper at far left. Whenever there's this much awesomeness in a room, Gwen manifests.

Jackson had us at hello Cat Mojo. But having now met the man, I can report that he is all that and five hundred bags of chips. Matter of fact, his name itself is all too humble for Jackson’s scope of stellarness. Let me explain. 

I’m no astronomer, but even I can tell a galaxy is a large and impressive thing.

A universe is even larger/impressiver.

These days, Really Smart Folks With Tweed Elbow Patches are positing that there may even be a multiverse.

And this, my friends and fiends, is the scope of Jackson Galaxy’s awesomeness.

Case in point: when Jackson came to Tabby’s Place, to whom was he drawn?

Sweet, terrified Ali, as captured by Denise
Sweet, terrified Ali, as captured by Denise

Was it the irresistible humans? (OK, you can stop laughing. No, really.)
Was it the cute-as-40-buttons kittens?
Was it the big-eyed, well-behaved “adoptables?”

It was Ali.

Ali…who has been described as “being afraid of molecules.”
Ali…who ventures out from under the couch rarely when the sun rises in the west and the seas turn to dry land.
Ali…who has spent 4+ years at Tabby’s Place just doing her best to stay undetected.

Ali, who needs him.

The petrified white cat with the moon-face reached out from her hidey hole and grabbed hold of Jackson’s big heart.

In just one of the facets of his being a Utterly Outstanding Human Bean, Jackson is a feline behaviorist with intergalactic insights. If anyone can help Ali, it’s him. We’ll be looking forward to hearing his loving wisdom in the days to come.090810-ali-1

From his early days at the Humane Society of Boulder (CO), Jackson’s passion has been to keep cats from being euthanized – and to help their humans learn how to love them the way they need to be loved. It seems to me that each cat is a new and precious world to Jackson, as he takes the time and tenderness to understand. It’s hard to picture what it means to truly “speak cat” until you see it in action. That feline love-language is boldly on display in the Cat Daddy. The fact is, this attention-grabbing dude has his attention and affection fixed on the cats who need him most. His heart is even bigger than his presence -  or the multiverse.

And we at Tabby’s Place couldn’t be more grateful – or giddy – that he made the time to visit us.

Pick up a copy of Cat Daddy, tune in to My Cat From Hell on Animal Planet, and please join us in thanking the big man with the blazing heart for cats. We love you, Jackson Galaxy.

That goes double for a certain white cat who’s been seen doodling “Mrs. Ali Galaxy” and “A + J = TLF” in her notebook.


4 thoughts on “Otherworldly: Jackson Galaxy visits Tabby’s Place

  1. Wow, how cool is this. He always seemed to be a great guy, this just proved it. Angela, think there’s a possibility of him autographing copies of his book at this year’s Catoberfest???? That would be fun! I love his show and hopefully he’ll mention TP on an upcoming episode….

  2. Hmmm…could it be that the awesome Tabby’s Place volunteers did such a great job warming Ali up for him? “Celebrities” are okay, but let’s hear it for the unsung heroes who work with these cats day after day only for the love of it !!!!!

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