The other day, my hubby and I returned my mom to my sister’s house, her primary residence. We’re a quaranteam, so we’re sharing.
It works out nicely for everyone: varied household dynamics, changes in company, someone else to look at (or not), and different walls for my mom.
It is certainly easier to feed and clothe 2 people, but 2 “is the loneliest number since the number 1.” Besides, my mom is good company. But, because of the differing stresses of living with others vs. living apart, Mom’s return comes with mixed emotions.
We have experienced these mixed emotions many times at Tabby’s Place.
With the promise that “once a Tabby’s Place cat, always a Tabby’s Place cat,” returns are inevitable. Hunts, Tagalog, and Polly (at right) all came back to us with a mixture of sadness — for furever homes not lasting long enough or not being good fits — and sheer joy for being reunited with our beloved friends.
Quite recently, we had that mix of happy-sad when Sammy (above and at left) was adopted, which was followed all too soon with the sad-happy of her return.
So, our Sammy is ours again, at home at Tabby’s Place, just as my mom is back at home with her other cats and people.
But, for my mom, all of her homes are forever because we are her forever family. For Sammy, we Tabby’s Placers will just have to wait patiently, doting on her as much as possible, secure in the knowledge that many returned friends do get adopted again, until the right furever family comes along.