Guest post: From a lonely volunteer

Guest post: From a lonely volunteer

Editor’s note: As we ache for our volunteers, visitors, and assorted friends/buddies/pals of two species, the next best thing to a visit is a guest blog post.

Thank you, dearest Sue, for this beautiful missive. Fellow volunteers and other valiant Tabby’s Place people: if a blog post is percolating within you, hit me up. You know where to find me. XO, AH

So this novel coronavirus…a teeny, tiny little bug that has for all intents and purposes put the brakes on life as we knew it here on planet Earth.

Will “normal” life ever return? More likely than not, we will have a new normal. I kinda liked the old way of life, where I could get in my car, drive to Ringoes, and spend time with all the beautiful kitties at Tabby’s Place as often as I wanted.  I pray that time returns very soon, because I’m sure I speak for all the volunteers when I say (loudly and whinily), I MISS THE TABBY’S PLACE KITTIES!

And I know those little creatures are missing all of us as well.  Missing the head scritches, the warm laps, the cuddles, and, of course, the treats!

In my mind’s eye, I can see them…

There’s Olive, looking longingly out the front door (where is everybody?).
Hope is in search of a lap,
Heather is maybe actually wondering why she can put burrowing under blankets on hold…
…and pretty little Rose is just looking for someone so she can show off her current stylish diaper.

But we bear this lockdown, knowing the phenomenal staff is doing not only their respective jobs, but filling in for us as well, so the kitties’ lives don’t miss a beat. 

For now, we must be grateful for Facebook pictures and updates, grateful that this too shall pass, and hopeful that, in the not too distant future, we volunteers will run through the doors in search for our own special Tabby’s Place kitty to lavish all our love on.

Until then, stay safe and healthy, and know the kitties are taking comfort in each other, awaiting our return.



1 thought on “Guest post: From a lonely volunteer

  1. Oh Sue. It is sad to think that Tabby’s Place kitties are looking out the door, wondering “Where is everybody?” Having to curl up on couches and floors instead of laps. Knowing that the staff, volunteers and friends mean as much to those kitties as they mean to you – lonely is not only a human thing. (Oh Steven – I’ve never petted you except in my heart.)

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