This time of year, all sorts of things are available in “limited-edition” styles.
Santa napkins. Cranberry bagels. Glitter toilet paper (OK, I haven’t seen this personally…but I’ve gotta believe that it is available somewhere).
Tabby’s Place is no exception. With great delight and deliciousness, I bring you the adopted edition of the Gratuitous Cat Photo of the Day.
Who remembers Ivan? More to the point, who doesn’t? (I pity the fool who doesn’t. So do Mr. T and Mr. Tea. But I digress.) Well, behold: he’s not only thriving in his forever home…he also seems to have perfected cloning technology.
OK, so Ivan and big bro Dimitri only look like two of a kind.
Still, those matching Russian names are enough to make me wonder if this is a cool case of Catiplicity.
Then there’s Rudy. (Anyone else unable to hear/read his name without involuntarily beginning to chant, in your head, Ru-dy, Ru-dy, Roooo-deeeeee? No? OK.)
Shortly after adopting the bundle of orinch, Rudy’s new mama sent us a besotted e-mail bursting with glee.
It’s a year later, and she’s no less besotted. But I’ll let her show and tell you about that:
“Hello friends,
“Just wanted to give you an update on Rudy (known to you as Pugsley). He’s been in his ‘forever home’ for 1 year today and continues to be an absolute joy!
“He’s a very busy boy. Lots of energy! But he has lots of toys to keep him busy. Yesterday’s treasure hunt to fill his toy basket again tallied 35 recovered toys….and the basket wasn’t quite empty.
“Rudy’s a real lover. He enjoys and delights all visitors thanks to the great job you all did at Tabby’s Place.”
This concludes today’s Gratuitous Cat Photos. But unlike those cranberry bagels, this special edition treat comes in multiple flavors. I’ll leave you with this photographic cliffhanger. (Well, this and a granola bar. Because I don’t want you getting hungry whilst you hang off that cliff.)
oh, what a tease — who’s going home for Christmas?!!!
…..clinging to the cliff in anticipation…….