Last night, you may have heard two seventy-year-olds yelling at each other, followed by their under-yellers yelling about the yelling.
We’re not going to debate those debates here.
But we do have issues to discuss.
First, though, an apology.
If you’ve come to this blog to escape all things political, Leila’s monarchy and Sable’s campaign may have made you twitch. Heaven knows this unfriendly election is too ubiquitous for you to need friendly reminders.
So, I’m sorry for the political allusions, but not sorry enough to stop. Frankly, I can’t, because (a) escape is futile, so we may as well laugh/ponder/engage in group primal-scream therapy, and (b) I’m an incurably political animal, and you’re stuck with me.
True story: around age six, I once invited a complete stranger into our house because I recognized him from C-SPAN as our congressman. (He was actually just a guy selling vinyl siding. But I swear the resemblance was uncanny.) My interest in politics — local and national and feline and absurd — goes all the way back and all the way down.
Anyway. This year’s debates are in the books. This means we can finally get down to the serious issues the cats are debating. Without further frippery, I bring you some overdue, richly-deserved Gratuitous Cat Photos: Debate Edition.
The community of cat people reading this blog surely doesn’t agree about everything. But I know to my bones that we agree on this: mercy will save the world. If you didn’t believe that, you wouldn’t be clicking over to read about vulnerable creatures, plucked from despair regardless of their needs, nature or naughtiness, and loved beyond all calculation of “deserving.”
Beyond debate: you guys give me hope for the future, whatever happens in November. Thank you for being the congress of compassion.
Good luck to all of us. As long as there is Tabby’s Place in the world we will somehow survive.