Epilogues: October 2013
October 2013 gave us many gifts. Leaves the color of honey. Sweater weather. The monumental cultural achievement of Bad Grandpa.
October 2013 gave us many gifts. Leaves the color of honey. Sweater weather. The monumental cultural achievement of Bad Grandpa.
It has come. October. But before we can properly begin the month of Tabby’s Place’s 10th anniversary and our 1st Halloween in three years without a major natural disaster, we’ve got some ‘splaining to do about September.
There comes a time, in the life of every cat tree, when the time has come. The time…when time is up.
We tell a lot of stories on Felis Catus, but we can’t often tell the whole story. In the epic novel of a cat’s life, I can give you just a page here, an illustration there. Such is the nature of such a blog. At times this may make you feel like you’re watching a […]
Cats, being thoroughly magical on their own merits, have no need of accessories like fairy dust or pixies or wands or wings. But if they had time for such things, Tinkerbell would be singing and swinging and making merry to the tuneful stylings of Jiminy Cricket right about now. When you wish upon a star, […]
“Everything in moderation…including moderation.” “Sometimes too much of a good thing is wonderful.” These are philosophies worth espousing.
You won’t make it long in this world if you don’t have friends. There’s no Words With Yourself. Joe Cocker didn’t get by with a little help from his self. Anne of Green Gables wasn’t searching for a bosom self. You gotta have friends. Fortunately, the Tabby’s Place cats have you covered.
Tabby’s Place has a lot in common with New York City. I don’t mean the fashion, the graffiti or even the undying affection of Woody Allen. I mean the neighborhoods.
What do the Tabby’s Place felines have to do with Willie Nelson? How could you compare our cats to the Partridge Family?
…your blogger has been a whole buncha busy. It’s hard work receiving amazing items like trips to Aruba and pearl necklaces. (No, really, it is – I don’t get to keep this stuff. But you have a shot at it – click here.) But, thanks to my epic guilt at not having time to write […]